Frequently asked questions
ASP.Net Requirements
ASP.NET Core 3.0 or higher Required for customized projects
Winodws Hosting with (.NET Version core 3.0 or higher)
interior Design script requires MVC 4 installed
Microsoft MS SQL Database
Folder Write,delete Permission
AJax/Jquery support
IOS Apps Requirements
Apple Device
Apple Developer Account to upload your script to app store
Xcode for editing swift codes
Android Apps Requirements
Android Device
Android Developer Account to upload your script to Play store
Android Studio for editing swift codes
I have the experience of over 20 years of programming,doing more than 20 projects and providing more than 50 sites with my scripts.
Over the past 10 years I have been working on .NET Technology
You can search google for my website and also see my product online Demos
I take into consideration every single aspect of programming including performance,security and stability in our scripts
The products have been protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties in UNITED STATES and worldwide
If you want to add extra features to your script,you have to pay for it and the cost of adding extra modules is high!
You can wait for the next version to come and it may have what you need
We plan to add more Modules.If you have purchased the software you will be notified when new updates are available
The email will be sent to the email address that was provided by the customer in the order form.
Customers are responsible for providing a correct, accessible and active email account to which the email confirmation will be sent.
AspDotNetApps.com is not responsible for non-delivery of the email due to incorrect email addresses, or inactive or inaccessible email accounts.
Please note that refund is NOT available on the downloadable software
so Please before purchasing the product review the Live Demo on the site and see the system requirements as well
In order to do that you have to provide me with your site login and MS SQL server information
Note:In case your website does not meet all the requirements of this product Aspdotnetapps.com is not responsible for that
Note2:AspDotNetApps.com is not responsible for script/app malfunction due to code modifications
The script is offered in two formats:source code version and Compiled version
For example social networking script is currently available in US english and German
You can easily change the Language if you want by modifying some central pages or you can wait until i release the new Language files
I currently do not provide hosting but i can offer you good hosting DISCOUNTASP.NET
What we offer
This website offers you the best quality IOS,Android App Packages written in swift,java,.net language with website admin
fully featured with the latest technology like angular and MS SQL Server. This website also offers the latest ios apps written in swift with Xcode to publish on app store. The API interface is used to communicate between yur frontend and backend.Contact Details